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Russian owned gas and electricity supplier Sefe Energy has a range of different business electricity and gas tariffs to suit businesses of any size.
The Manchester based business:
Click on the following link to access Sefe Energy’s latest contract terms for business energy customers:
Sefe Energy operates a policy of fully fixing all elements* of their SME contracts; this includes all third party charges. This is a market leading position and means that when you agree a contract with Sefe Energy you are safe in the knowledge that the price will remain at the level agreed throughout the contract
*Sefe Energy's contracts however do not contain FIT. This is charged on top of the agreed contract rates
Sefe Energy also reserve the right to amend the terms of the contract in exceptional circumstances. These include:
These include:
To find out more visit our Guide to Fixed Prices..
Sefe Energy is signed up to the Energy UK Back Billing standards but only limits back billing for micro-businesses to four or five years for gas and three years for electricity. Many suppliers have voluntarily limited their back billing rights to two years and in some cases a single year. However equally, like Axis, a number of suppliers are not signed up to the Energy UK Back Billing standards and therefore, under the Limitations Act, are indeed able to back bill their customers for anything up to 6 years. Sefe Energy are therefore one of the less amenable suppliers in this area making a smart meter a sensible choice with Sefe Energy. To find out more visit our Guide to Back billing.
In order to act on your behalf in securing your business a great energy deal Sefe Energy require us to have a signed Letter of Authority from yourselves. The fastest way to authorise us to work on your energy supply arrangements is to use our eSign service to agree our Evergreen Letter of Authority.
Moving into a premise is known as a Change of Tenancy in the business energy market. It has also been termed a Change of Occupier or is known by its acronyms CoT and COO. However it is referred to, the opportunities it opens up are the same. This is great news for deal seekers. Whilst the existing supplier is obliged to continue to provide energy to the new occupier, the occupier is not obliged to take out an extended contract with that supplier. Indeed a Change of Tenancy customer has total freedom of movement and is free to accept a contract with a supplier of their choice There are however of course a number of rules and requirements. Firstly, as the new occupier, if you use energy you will need to pay for it, regardless of your contractual status. Secondly, you will need to identify as quickly as possible the identity of the existing supplier Thirdly, you will need to field calls from sales organisations and the existing supplier themselves offering you contracts of varying lengths to continue or to begin to supply the premises. As a result as a new occupier you will need to agree a new contract either with the existing supplier or with a new supplier of your choice. Not only that but you will need to inform the existing supplier as quickly as possible that you are the new tenant to prevent you being held liable for charges incurred by the previous occupier should they not have ended their agreement satisfactory. It can prove a real headache knowing whom to trust – whether it’s the old tenant, the landlord the current supplier, the pushy salesman ringing, knocking and emailing, the prospective new suppliers. That’s where Lloyd energy comes in, by working on your behalf, identifying your existing supply arrangements, reporting your change of tenancy, ensuring you are not held liable for costs not incurred before your occupation and benchmarking contracts for your selection we can help you save time, money and a whole lot of stress. The fastest way to authorise us to work on your energy supply arrangements is to use our eSign service. to agree our Evergreen Letter of Authority. We’ll take care of all correspondence, handle all the loose ends and enable you to focus on establishing your business in its new premise. And what’s more once your contract is in place we’ll manage your supplier relationship from beginning to end, all part of the Lloyd energy service.
Your Sefe Energy Invoice places the contract end date on the first page of the invoice, this is the summary page and the date is located in the section entitled 'Contract Detail'. In addition the date by which termination is required to ensure freedom of movement at contract end it also presented in this section. Not all suppliers do this. If in doubt feel free to fax us your bill on 0208 328 7788 or send it to and we will help locate the information for you. When to expect your Sefe Energy renewal letter Sefe Energy sends their renewal letter to customers around 60 days in advance of the contract end date. This will contain Sefe Energy‘s proposal for your rates for the coming period. It may provide a variety of options or a single price. It will however not be the most competitive price available in the market as the renewal letter is designed for customers who don’t use an energy broker and as such are priced at a higher level than can be obtained in the market.
Sefe Energy require their micro business customers at least 30 days before your contract ends of your intent to terminate your contract at the end of its fixed period.
Sefe Energy operate a policy of selling auto-rollover contracts. If you fail to terminate your existing contract more than 30 days ahead of your contract end date you will be rolled over for a fixed term of 12 months. By using Lloyd energy you can avoid the costly mistake of falling into the rollover trap and paying premium rates for 12 months.
If you have provided termination notice to Sefe Energy and expressed your intent for freedom of movement at contract end but you fail to leave Sefe Energy’s supply you will be placed on Sefe Energy’s out of contract rates. Don't be caught out! By using Lloyd energy to manage your energy contracts we will terminate and manage your new contract seamlessly to ensure you avoid penalty rates. Sefe Energy and Out of Contract Rates A Sefe Energy gas customer with a standard meter would be required to pay up to 3.87p/kWh for each unit of gas used whilst out of contract and a standing charge of 28.00p/day plus pass through of any site specific 3rd party costs. For electricity customers this would calculated on an individual basis at the ‘System Buy Price’ in the industry at that time, this is a notional price that it is required to pay to cover any shortfall in energy, and this would be subject to all 3rd party charges and a premium of 10%. Even one week exposed to this level of charges mounts up, that's why clients taking our contract life management service makes sense: removing your exposure risk and letting you focus on your business confident in the knowledge that your energy contracts are in safe hands. To find out more visit our Guide to Out of Contract Rates
Sefe Energy operate a policy of billing their customers on a monthly basis. Sefe Energy operate a Monthly, Variable Direct Debit meaning the amount you pay directly relates to the volume of energy you consume each month. Sefe Energy also offers cash/cheque payment terms however this is only in limited circumstances where agreed with Sefe Energy. Find out more visit our Guide to Supplier Payment Terms. Sefe Energy provide online billing functionality as standard within all of their contracts meaning the end of paper invoices for their customers whilst providing convenient access to their account data. Click here for Sefe's VAT Declaration Form. To find out if your business is eligible for paying the reduced rate of VAT on your business energy bill visit our Guide to VAT Declaration. Where to find your metering information on your Sefe Energy bill Your Sefe Electricity Invoice places the meter point identifying S Number on the second page of your invoice in the top right hand corner. Similarly your Sefe Energy Gas Invoice will feature the gas meter point reference number, the MPRN, in the “Invoice Summary” section, far left hand column, described as “MPR”. If in doubt feel free to fax us your bill on 0208 328 7788 or send it to and we will help locate the information for you.
In line with the mandated rollout of smart meters Sefe Energy installs meters for Profile 05-08 electricity customers and gas customers consuming more than 732,000 kWh per annum. Sefe Energy does not however currently install smart meters for Profile 03-04 customers and gas customers consuming less than 732,000 kWh per annum. However Sefe Energy will inherit smart meters of any type and will continue to operate the meter with its full smart functionality. This is done at no extra cost to you. For more information on Suppliers’ policies on smart metering visit our Guide to Suppliers & Smart Meters.
Sefe Energy currently only offer new connections and upgrade services to customers when they take out a new contract. If this doesn't suit your requirements, to find out which suppliers meet your connections needs call us on 0800-208-8301. Go one step better and by appointing Lloyd energy to manage your energy contracts you can take advantage of our management fee free new connections and upgrades offer.
Sefe Energy does not currently support meters supplied via IGT networks (Independent Gas Transporter). If your gas supply is delivered via an IGT network then British Gas Business cannot offer you a gas supply contract. To find out which suppliers meet your IGT needs call us on 0800-208-8301.
Sefe Energy support all meter types including Half Hourly (HH), Maximum Demand (MD), Seasonal Time of Day (STOD) and standard profile meters as well as ‘aggregated’ meters however they do not support 'related’ meters.
Sefe Energy offer green and renewable business tariffs including levy exemption products. For the reporting period 2013/14,Sefe Energy Fuel Mix was:
Over the same period the national average was:
Producing CO2 of 428g/kWh and High Level Radioactive Waste of 0.0017g/kWh To find out more visit our Guide to Fuel Mix.
Does Sefe Energy sound like the business energy supplier you’re looking for? If so call now on 0800-208-8301 or alternatively the fastest way to authorise us to work on your energy supply arrangements is to use our eSign service to agree our Evergreen Letter of Authority. Not sure if Sefe Energy is right for you? If you're looking at switching your energy supplier, we're here to help you determine whether Sefe Energy is right for you. We take the research, negotiation and paperwork off your hands and help you switch to a better deal with your choice of new energy supplier. How we help you switch your business energy supplier Our team of energy experts can help you determine whether Sefe Energy is going to be the right supplier for you. The service we provide is independent and impartial, making sure that you get exactly the right deal for your business.