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The majority of businesses move into a premise, whether leased or owned, initiate operations and never need to think about their energy supply other than getting a good deal and paying their bills. But some businesses need more than that from their business energy supplier. Whether it is growing their facility for tackling energy-demanding activities, a more accurate or suitable metering system for measuring usage, or simply more connections to facilitate business expansion, any combination of the following may be required at any time:
Whilst a lot of suppliers support new connections and other installation and removal activity each will have different policies and protocols to follow. As a result the process can be time-taking and frustrating, not least when works involve interaction with the public highways. If your business needs to undertake any of the activities listed then you need to be prepared to not just rely on your existing supplier to deliver but to assess the market to match your specific needs.
As we promise to your business for a flawless energy connection and supply experience we have negotiated with many suppliers to enable new connections or shippers gas sites to be capable to enter a new energy contract with their chosen energy supplier within 7 days. From installation to supply this ensures a flawless change and enabling your business to take the opportunity of the best rates available with no short term, premium-priced contract fuss with which to contend. Call us today on 08000488472 to take advantage.
Given the range of questions and the potential for differing answers, it is key to choose your partner wisely.
New connection services offered by following business energy suppliers:
Here at Lloyd energy, we're happy to help you navigate the various supplier options and work with you to choose your ideal partner for your specific needs. Our strong supplier relationships and our candid approach to identifying those best suited to fulfilling your project could save you a lot of time and money. Indeed it is not only at the ‘works’ stage that Lloyd energy can help your business get the right deal, but an essential secondary step is also to secure an excellent worth energy contract for any new build, connection or upgrade. Miserably, at times this can be as difficult as getting the physical project completed. Lloyd energy can help you to prevent yourself from being tied into a premium-priced new connection contract. If you would like to know more about our new connections services call us on 08000488472, we'd love to help you.